Teenage mothers who have tried to deliver their own babies at home often fail, resulting in a baby being lodged inside of them where most eventually die due to a loss oxygen and poor blood circulation. Hundreds of thousands of girls have fistulas and the damage is often irreversible. In comparison with birthing in the United States, Sub-Saharan African countries have quite a long way to go in the advancement of medicine and medical treatment.
I never even considered trying to deliver my own baby. There was medical care provided each step of the way and as a result, I was able to be proactive in promoting good health in my baby. I am thankful for the many obstetricians that I had to choose from. I am blessed that I was afforded the opportunity to have my baby in an sterilized environment, reducing the chance of my baby being exposed to harmful bacteria and other hazardous risks.
After reading several articles about birthing in Sub-Saharan Africa, I can truly appreciate the United States and accessible healthcare, even as affordable healthcare is such a hot button topic.
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