Kimberly- My mom raised me. She instilled values in me that continue to help me navigate through life as an adult. Though we didn't have much, my sisters and I grew up feeling that we had it all. For that, I will always be grateful. As I move forward in my academic career, I reference my mommy for strength, courage and wisdom. I love her!
Tiffany- Growing up, my aunt was forced to take me wherever she went. She was the ultimate babysitter, though she didn't' choose the job. Nonetheless, we bonded and I was able to share lots of memories with her that I still reminisce about these days. As much as she didn't want me tagging along with her when I was a child, she somehow encouraged my presence around her as an adult. We still hang out and we have lots of fun! My aunt helped to continues to impact me now because she set the bar. It was my aunt that decided to go to college, earn a Bachelor's degree and go on to earn multiple Master degrees. In seeing her success, I was able to actualize my own. It is because of her that I developed the attitude that I can achieve whatever I can dream. I love her!
Alan-My dad was great! A violent crime and a case of mistaken identity left my dad in a coma when I was 5 or 6. I believe that he died when I was 7, yet at 28 I talk about him as though he stays around the corner from me. I can remember going to carnivals with him. I remember my sister and I playing with our dolls and fake makeup while in his room. I remember laying on his chest and hearing his heartbeat. My dad made me feel loved and special. I can feel his presence around me and part of why I choose to be all that I can be is to make him proud. My dad is awesome and those few years that I had with him can rival father/daughter relationships that last a lifetime. After all, quality is more valuable than quantity. I will always love my dad!
Puddini-I WANT TO INTRODUCE YOU TO MY GRANDMOTHER!! She is amazing and the best person in the world! As a child, my grandmother told me stories, nurtured my creativity, healed my wounds, protected me from spankings, cooked and baked goodies for me, took me to church and hair appointments, bonded with me and treated me like the greatest child in the world! She continues to mold me and help shape my attitude. Puddini means the world to me and she continues to help guide me through my adulthood, just as she did my childhood. I love you, Puddini! You are amazing!
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